Theme: Adaptive Technology Evolution - Orchestrating Business outcomes

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Agile Gurugram

About The Conference

Agile Gurugram is Agile Network India's flagship conference and one of the most important platforms for the Lean-Agile community in India since its inception in 2016.

Agile Gurugram conference is organized annually and is in its ninth successive edition in 2024. The conference focuses on bringing the best and most emergent ideas about Lean-Agile, and some of the most important global minds working in this field under one roof.

Agile Gurugram 2024Conference's title theme is Adaptive Technology Evolution: Orchestrating Business Outcomes. The sub-themes associated with this theme are:

  • Revolutionizing Non IT Services: Paving the Way for Smart, Adaptive solutions
  • Knowledge Management: Empowering Smarter Decision-Making, Radical organisational culture and Technical agility
  • Harnessing AI in Delivering Excellence in Services
Know More about the Theme Panel Theme

Panel Theme

Role of AI: Business Solutions Competing with IT Services

This panel discussion explores the dynamic interplay between AI-driven business solutions and traditional IT services also using AI, examining both the opportunities and threats they present. Join industry experts as they delve into how organizations are leveraging AI for innovation while addressing potential disruptions to established IT paradigms.

How are the Product Strategy Goals aligned to the ESG goals

This panel discussion examines how product strategy goals align with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives, encompassing themes such as the circular economy, addressing the digital divide, and managing product end-of-life considerations. Join industry leaders as they discuss integrating these principles into product development strategies to promote sustainability, inclusivity, and responsible lifecycle management.

Impact of AI on Organization Culture - Advantage or Disadvantage

This panel delves into the transformative impact of AI on organizational culture, assessing its implications amidst technological evolutions, climate change, and biological events. Explore how AI has influenced workplace dynamics, productivity, and innovation, posing both advantages and challenges. Discuss inflection points such as COVID-19 and the acceleration of AI adoption, and examine the role of data as the new currency in driving organizational strategies. Consider the importance of data literacy and democratization, alongside the stresses and opportunities presented by the abundance of data in shaping future organizational cultures.

Future of Learning using AI

This panel delves into the future of learning shaped by AI, focusing on its role in bridging the digital divide and advancing personalized learning experiences. Experts will explore business strategies for enabling personalized learning, discuss the evidential return on investment (ROI) of upskilling initiatives enhanced by AI, and examine innovative approaches such as managing hallucination issues prevalent in AI and leveraging gamification in educational contexts.

Expert Speakers

Experts and Professionals from around the globe


Prof. (Dr) Padmakali Banerjee

Vice Chancellor
IILM University Gurugram


Snehil Khanor

Co-Founder & CEO


Swami Sarvalokanandaji

RK Mission, Delhi


Vinod Bhat

CIO & Chief Ethics Counsellor

View All

Program Review Committee

Objective of the Program Committee is to build a valuable and high quality program

The Review Committee comprises the Conference Chairperson and the Reviewers. The Review Process is led by the Conference Chairperson. The Reviewers follow the defined Review Process to assess and select the session proposals that are submitted through the Call for Proposal process The Conference Chairperson is responsible for defining the final program through exercising a formal consensus with the Reviewers.


Badre Srinivasan

Badre Srinivasan

Enterprise Agile Coach
Société Générale GSC


Janmejay Rai

Vice President - Engineering
Sales & Marketing W3villa Technologies


Kartik Dhokaai

Vice President - Delivery
OneClick IT Consultancy Pvt Ltd



Assistant Vice President,


Prateek Nigam

Independent Consultant,
Accredited Kanban Trainer and Coach

Program Schedule

4 Keynotes, 15+ Session Talks, 4 Panel Discussion and many tales

08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:25
09:25 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:20
10:20 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:15

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

12:15 - 13:00

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14.45

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

14:45 - 15:30

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

15:30 - 15:50
15:50 - 16:25
16:25 - 17:10
08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:15
09:15 - 09:20
09:20 - 10:10
10:10 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 12:05

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

12:05 - 12:50

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

12:50 - 13:50
13:50 - 14:35

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

14:35 - 15:20

Track 1 - Session

Track 2 - Session

15:20 - 15:40
15:40 - 16:25
16:25 - 17:10

*Program Schedule is subject to change as information evolves, and due to unforeseen circumstances

Download Schedule

Conference Theme

Adaptive Technology Evolution: Orchestrating Business Outcomes

The conference will explore the transformative power of adaptive technologies in shaping business futures. It emphasizes technology's dynamic nature and its ability to evolve with changing business landscapes, driving innovation and efficiency. Participants will gain insights into integrating emerging technologies with business processes to achieve strategic goals. The theme covers critical areas such as AI, automation, data-driven decision-making, customer experience, and cybersecurity. Additionally, it highlights the essential skills needed to thrive, including product management, and innovative thinking.

    Sub - themes

  • Revolutionising Non-IT Services: Paving the Way for Smart, Adaptive Solutions:

This sub-theme explores the transformative impact of emerging trends on non-IT sectors. It focuses on driving innovation, efficiency, and adaptive solutions in areas such as healthcare, education, finance, and logistics. Participants will learn how emerging technologies can be integrated into non-IT services to enhance service delivery and optimize outcomes. The focus will be on real-world applications, success stories, and practical strategies.

  • Knowledge Management: Empowering Smarter Decision - Making, Radical Organisational Culture and Technical Agility:

This sub-theme explores how emerging practices in knowledge management enhance decision-making processes. This theme emphasizes fostering agility within Individuals, Teams and Enterprises. The focus will be on practical applications, case studies, and best practices in continuous delivery, leadership trends, and organizational culture. Additionally, the theme will highlight the essential skills needed to thrive in a VUCA world.

  • Harnessing AI in Delivering Excellence in Services:

This sub-theme explores the transformative impact of AI on various aspects of product management, use cases of AI implementation. This sub-theme emphasizes how AI can drive continuous innovation, enhance collaboration, and streamline the development of sustainable products aligned with ESG principles. Participants will learn about AI tools and techniques for building better requirements, optimizing product lifecycle management, and responding swiftly to market changes. Additionally, the theme will cover the future of product and knowledge management using AI, showcasing best practices and case studies of successful AI integration.

Expert Keynotes

Amazing Speakers

Engaging Panel Discussion

Call for Action

Participate and share your knowledge and experience with the community

Call for Panelist

Self-Nominate/Nom inate your choice.

Closed On
10th August 2024

Call for Proposal

Become a Speaker at leading Agile Conference.

Closed On
5th August 2024

Call for Facilitators

Become a Facilitator to ensure streamlined execution.

Closed On
30th May 2024

Call for Chair

Become a Chair to Plan & Execute Quality Conference.

Closed On
30th March 2024

Call for Reviewer

Become a Reviewer to ensure quality sessions at the Conference.

Closed On
30th March 2024

Sponsorship Opportunity

Showcase your commitment to the Agile Community

You can become a sponsor for the Premier Lean-Agile Conference and get recognition and exposure on our website, branding, and social media. This is going to be a great opportunity to showcase your brand, products or services to the industry leaders, experts, practitioners, and key decision-makers joining from different organizations.



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