Saikat Prabhakar

Saikat Prabhakar

Director Engineering, Guavus - A Thales Company

Saikat has been in the Software Industry for around 18 years, donning multiple hats and working across some of the top MNCs in domains such as Telecom, Networking and Data Analytics. Also, he had the privilege to work with some of the most brilliant minds who have helped him grow. He believes one must never stop learning as life never stops teaching ! Currently, He is working for Guavus ( a Thales Company ) which has been one of the pioneers in the Deep Tech Arena.

Besides work, he loves traveling, singing and outdoor sports. Off late he has been spending a decent time at the gym and he hopes his endeavor lasts longer than a couple of months.


AI-driven TestOps : A Need or Necessity for DevOps


So first things first. TestOps is not just a fancy term in the present day SDLC world.It is the answer to the increased demand for efficiency and agility in quality and has been around for a couple of years now.

But simply speaking, if DevOps is operationalising your development lifecycle and aiming towards faster delivery, TestOps is operationalising the various test approaches and making sure the deliveries are faster as well as reliable.

Furthermore, AI-driven TestOps must focus on targeting the intelligence derived from the key metrics from the test execution data and tools to overcome challenges and empower efficiency in future runs.

These challenges could be specific to what the VUCA world presents. So the session will cover specific scenarios which can help tackle them.